Cluster Headaches

Cluster Headaches2022-01-16T01:58:04+00:00

Cluster headaches are an incredibly painful condition and can be very debilitating for those who suffer from it. Generally, cluster headaches will wake a person in the middle of the night. They will experience very intense pain around one side of the head or eye. Those who suffer from the condition will often get bouts of cluster headaches that can last for several weeks or months. Then, they go into remission and can experience months or years with no symptoms at all.

Even though cluster headaches do not indicate a life-threatening condition, the severity of the pain associated with the condition often makes it necessary for sufferers to seek out different treatment options. Luckily, there are treatments and medications that can lessen the severity of the attacks, making them more bearable for patients to handle.

Common Symptoms

The first and most notable symptom that sufferers of cluster headaches recognize is the excruciating pain that radiates from around the eye area. While this is where the pain originates, it can travel to the neck, spine, face, and shoulders. Many times, this pain is only associated with one side of the body. On that side, you may experience a red eye, tearing, a runny nose, swelling, or a drooping eyelid. You may also notice pale or flushed skin that accompanies the pain.

While physical activity tends to make migraines worse, it seems to help those who suffer from cluster headaches. They may pace or rock back and forth to alleviate the pain.

What Is a Cluster Period?

A cluster period is an amount of time when you are likely to have many cluster headache episodes in a row. They usually last for about six to 12 weeks. During that time, it’s common to experience a cluster headache every day or multiple times a day. These headaches can last anywhere from 15 minutes to over three hours and usually occur right after the sufferer has gone to sleep. The onset of pain is relatively quick, as is the relief that comes when the headache ends. While it’s not common to experience any lingering pain after the episode has passed, cluster headaches are very exhausting and can leave sufferers extremely tired after the ordeal.

Should You See Your Doctor for Cluster Headaches?

If you think you are experiencing cluster headaches, you should visit your doctor. While headaches usually do not indicate any severe or life-threatening conditions, in rare cases, they could be the sign of an aneurysm or a brain tumor. Your doctor can rule out any possible serious issues and give you peace of mind. You may also want to seek treatment for your cluster headaches. Through a combination of medication and nondrug treatments, you can find relief from this very painful condition.

Don’t resign yourself to suffering. Make an appointment with Prime Medical Associates in Dartmouth, Massachusetts, to get a handle on your cluster headaches. With our help, you can reduce the severity of your symptoms and get back to feeling like yourself. Give us a call today.

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